Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book - Where No Man Has Gone Before

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Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book - Where No Man Has Gone Before ist ein Malbuch mit Motiven aus Raumschiff Enterprise.

Vom Umschlagtext:

The coloring voyage continues with Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book – Where No Man Has Gone Before. Forty-five brand new black-and-white images from the second two seasons of the classic science fiction series!

Printed on high-quality stock, each illustration offers an array of diverse detail to color as faithfully or as wildly as you choose, and is single-sided to avoid unsightly bleed-though. This is a must-have collectable for Star Trek fans throughout the galaxy.


Institutionen & Großmächte
Spezies & Lebensformen
Menschen, Vulkanier
Christine Chapel, Pavel Chekov, James Tiberius Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott, Spock, Hikaru Sulu, Nyota Uhura
Wissenschaft & Technik
M5, Phaser